GEORGIA HIGH SCHOOL BAND SLUR RACIAL BAND: Director Says Students of the Marching Band Speaking Racial Insults Confessed Their Intent


Gwinnet County, Ga. – Several students from Brookwood High School involved in writing a racial insult during a brass band performance at halftime of a weekend football match admitted to having planned the which, according to the school district.

According to a letter to parents and students of William Bo Ford Jr., director of Brookwood High School High School, the investigation into the Friday night incident revealed that three seniors had planned and executed the cascade.

Ford said that a fourth student, who wore one of the letters spouting the racial insult, seems to have agreed to accept it "at the last minute".

"In our interviews, students – including two African-Americans, an Asian and a Hispanic – said that it was a joke, one they thought was funny," said Ford in the letter. "However, they acknowledged that they knew that this racist term was not acceptable."

Ford said that two other students were not involved in planning and running but gave "false information to school officials".

These six students will receive disciplinary sanctions commensurate with their involvement in this incident, "said Ford in his letter.

We are working to find out what kind of disciplinary action students will be facing, as well as the community's reaction, in Channel 2 Action News starting at 4pm.

Read the full letter below:

I am your communication this weekend about the situation that occurred during our group's half-time show on Friday night. As promised, we opened an investigation on this subject and I wanted to share with you our current findings and the steps we are taking with the students who have been involved. After in-depth interviews with many students, we determined that three seniors intentionally planned and executed the use of sousaphone coverage to clarify a totally unacceptable racist term. The fourth student, a junior, who wore one of the letters spelling out the word, seems to have adhered to the plan at the last minute. However, the four students knew what was going to happen and what they were saying during the halftime show. In our interviews, students – including two African Americans, an Asian and a Hispanic – said that it was a joke, one they thought was funny. However, they acknowledged that they knew that this racist term was not acceptable. We identified two other students who do not seem to be involved in planning and running but who actually provided false information to school officials. All six of these students will receive disciplinary consequences commensurate with their involvement in this incident.

I am hurt and disappointed by these students and their actions that have stunned our community. As you all know, that's not what we are. Brookwood is proud to be an inclusive and tolerant school community. This is a good time for all of us to teach, and students should be aware that their actions and words have consequences.

We finish our investigation; However, for the sake of transparency and responsiveness to our community, I thought it was important to share our results with you as quickly as possible. I have heard a lot from you since my first communication and, unfortunately, I have not been able to come back with you all. As you can imagine, our first priority was to conduct a thorough and fair investigation of this case. That said, I appreciate your patience and support and contacted those who contacted me. It is also important for us to come together to support our program and the student leaders and staff of our award-winning group. I believe in our students and our community that we will stand together and become stronger in this difficult time. I hope that our program, our school and our community will not be judged on the basis of the unfortunate decisions and actions of a few teenagers in development. As always, thank you for your support of our students and our school.

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