A 10-year-old girl with type 1 diabetes dies after a drop in blood sugar at a slumber party


NEW CASTLE, Pa. – A small town in Lawrence County faces a huge loss.

Sophia Daugherty, age 10, is a Grade 5 student with type 1 diabetes at Laurel Elementary School.

The medical crisis has sent him to the hospital with brain trauma.

The whole school prayed for his healing and now administrators, staff and young children are facing his loss.


"A popular little girl – the most commonly used adjective is" sweet "- the sweet Sophia – she will be missed," said Supt Len Rich.

Sophia was a cheerleader, a softball player and a scout. With only 80 children in her class, everyone knew her.

"Just having a lot to do with kids, we have great staff here – our counselors are great," said director Dan Svirbly. "Our high school counselors came in and helped out, we used community counselors, so the whole community was there, and we're just trying to support the kids and the staff the best we can."

The school district was already recovering from a severe spinal injury suffered by high school student Hayden Hamilton during a football match.

Rich said there was a reason they called this region "strong Spartan".

"We think it's better to be together, it's normal to mourn," he said. "It's normal to cry.It's normal to feel terrible.It's normal not to understand why.But it's better that we all pass together and we trust each other. other."

Sophia's family said her organs would be given to others.

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