A 2-year-old dies after the wind has projected a pumpkin bounce cushion more than 30 feet into the air


Two-year-old Caleb Acuna died after the wind bounced off a pumpkin farm north of Lincoln, the Lancaster County Sheriff confirmed.

Caleb Acuna and her sister, five-year-old Arra Acuna, were seriously injured on Wednesday night after jumping on a pumpkin ball that had jumped on a pumpkin.

The girl was ejected from the carpet by the wind and broke her arm, reported KOLN-TV. The boy found himself stuck in the tire and was thrown into the air, landing more than 40 meters away.

"The mother and the 5-year-old girl were fired from the bounce when the gust of wind hit," said Lancaster County Sheriff Terry Wagner.

The notebook folded over the little boy, taking him away.

"He was sort of stuck inside the bounce mat when he fell," said Wagner.

According to officials, Caleb was removed from the survival system by approximately 12:45. Thursday.

Amanda Kadavy and her husband, Josh, operate the JK Pumpkin Patch on the family farm.

"(The wind) came from nowhere," she told Kearney Hub. "We ask for prayers for the children (injured) and the support of the community."

According to a report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 113,000 emergency services-related injuries associated with inflatable games between 2003 and 2013, including 12 deaths.

A GoFundMe.com account has been created on behalf of the family.

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