A 2-year-old kid shredded $ 1,060 from his family's money. Her mother cried – until she laughed.


There are young children who make tantrums at the grocery store and throw watches in the toilet. There are others that stain with a permanent marker all over the wall or that decide that a brother or pet needs a haircut.

Then there are 2-year-olds who know how to work a shredder.

Leo Belnap is one of those two years.

On Sunday, his parents, Ben and Jackee Belnap, from the Salt Lake City area, noticed that a large envelope containing $ 1,060 had mysteriously disappeared. as they told KSL.

Last year, football fans at the University of Utah saved the money needed to pay Ben's parents back to season subscriptions, they said.

They started tearing down the house to look for money – under the carpets, in the drawers, on the couch, even in the trash, News4Utah reported.

"I search the trash," said Ben Belnap to KSL, "and [Jackee] scream and say, "I found it." "

It was in the shredder. In a thousand tiny pieces.

Immediately, Jackee Belnap said that they knew that Leo was the culprit. He helped her shred junk mail and documents, she told KSL. Apparently, he thought it was useful this time too.

Belnap first cried, she said, just for a minute. Then they laughed.

"As devastated and as sick as we were," she told News4Utah, "it's one of those moments when you just have to laugh."

The hope and perhaps the money may not be lost for the couple.

The Bureau of Engraving and Printing offers a solution in the event that a toddler destroys hundreds of dollars by accident. In fact, the office has a whole "mutilated currency division," devoted to "redemption" of money burned, soggy, chemically altered, chewed by rodents or spoiled – a free service to the public. He processes about 30,000 claims a year and recovers more than $ 30 million in mutilated cash, according to his website.

The currency "must be forwarded to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for review by trained experts before any use," the site says.

This is the path that the couple hopes to take. Ben Belnap told KSL that they had contacted the Treasury Department to ask them questions and that they were to send the remaining body of Washington money in Ziploc Baggies.

On Twitter, Ben took a picture of the couple's meticulous efforts separating the currency from other pieces of junk mail, so they could send it to the government. And in six months to three years, they could get it back.

In the meantime, Leo will no longer use the shredder. The silver lining: "Well, that will make a beautiful wedding story one day," Jacke Belnap told KSL.

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