A 3-year-old cancer survivor is a daughter of the flower at the donor's wedding


A three-year-old girl who was diagnosed with cancer attended the wedding of the woman who saved her life. The bride gave her bone marrow to the little girl and asked her to be in the marriage. ( pixabay )

A three-year-old girl served as a flower girl at the wedding of the woman who saved her life. The bride donated her bone marrow to the little girl who was suffering from a rare form of cancer

Skye's incredible journey

Skye Savren-McCormick was diagnosed with lymphoma and myelomonocytic leukemia juvenile, a rare cancer one in a million children in March 2016. In July 2016, Skye was paired with Hayden Ryals, 26, as a donor. Hayden and since have kept in touch with Skye and his family following the Skye procedure.

Doctors did not expect Skye to live after being diagnosed with cancer and informed her family that Skye only had a 10% chance of survival. Skye required daily blood and platelet transfusions, three bone marrow transplants, surgery to remove an oversized spleen, and several cycles of chemotherapy for cancer.

During his 10-month stay at UCLA's Mattel Children's Hospital, Skye had to receive 77 units of blood and platelets. The doctors are now saying that Skye is doing miraculously well. On Skye's third birthday in March 2018, Hayden sent a wedding invitation to Skye and his family, and Hayden asked Skye to be his flower girl

A Bride and a Damsel

The Skye's parents, Talia and Todd Savren-McCormick, were initially concerned about traveling with Skye from their home in Ventura, California, Alabama. However, the doctors gave them permission and the family was excited to attend a part of Hayden's big day

"It was very humiliating and surreal, everyone knew who she was because the city was so small. I thought we would be here, I was so proud of [Skye] after all that she lived and until she came, the fact that we could do it was amazing, " said Talia.

Talia sued that Skye and Hayden have a special connection and are hit one with the other. During the wedding, Hayden was holding Skye and the two were standing on each other. Talia said she's now excited for Skye's future and is looking forward to the friendship that is forming between Hayden and Skye and where she will go.

Skye wore a cream-colored dress with a blue ribbon while she walked down the aisle and performed her flower girl tasks. Skye also posed with the wedding party. Skye's parents said the whole event was moving and comforting.

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