A 3-year-old cancer survivor is a girl at the wedding of a bone marrow donor


A 3-year-old girl who overcame cancer had the opportunity to present herself as a damsel at the wedding of her bone marrow donor.

In 2016, Skye Savren-McCormick was diagnosed with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia on her first birthday. Savren-McCormick received his first transplant later in the year from 26-year-old Hayden Hatfield Ryals

. Ryals then contacted Savren-McCormick and his family through Be the Match, the organization by which Ryals gave his bone marrow. The families stayed in touch, and Ryals invited Skye to be in her marriage in a card that she sent the toddler for her third birthday.

The two met for the first time during the Ryals rehearsal dinner. I fell on my knees and all I could do was smile, "says Ryals to ABC News

at the ceremony, Savren-McCormick" went out and took a handful of giant flowers and threw them to the ground, "according to the mother of the toddler, who said that she was told that everyone in the room was brought to tears by the toddler's story.

ABC News contributed to this report.

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