A 32-year-old mother was "raped by a drunk passenger in the bathroom of an American Airlines plane"


One mom said she was raped by a drunk passenger in the restroom of a plane – and accused the airline of rejecting her complaint.

Aubrey Lane, 32, said in a lawsuit that the predator had followed her into the bathroom and attacked her.

She claimed to be on an American Airlines flight between Phoenix and New York, when the alleged rape took place in June 2017.

Earlier in the flight, another passenger had warned of the man's behavior, according to the lawsuit.

American Airlines says it's going to "thoroughly examine" its complaint.

According to reports in the United States, his allegation was initially rejected as an unwelcome complaint.

American Airlines investigates the complaint

Ms. Lane's lawsuit states: "Knowing the obvious dangers of intoxication and the threats of sexual assault, especially during Red Eye flights, American has offered no protection to Aubrey Lane … 12B passenger drunk. "

The rapist was not arrested when the plane arrived at JFK airport, it was said.

Addressing the Dallas Morning News, Ms. Lane said, "This has caused stress at all levels.

"It hurts my job, my home, it has affected every aspect of my life."

In a statement issued by the Daily Mail, American Airlines said: "We are deeply concerned about any allegation of misconduct aboard our aircraft or any of our facilities.

"If our crews discover or are aware of any alleged unlawful misconduct that may occur on the aircraft, law enforcement forces are contacted and will meet the aircraft upon arrival …

"It is up to law enforcement to determine what criminal activities have taken place, if any."

As the alleged attack took place in the air, it belongs to the FBI, which has not yet commented on the investigation.

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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