A 6 year old boy speaks for the first time after the intervention of a dentist in 10 seconds


Mason Motz went to the dentist for a regular appointment, but came back much more – the ability to speak.

The young Motz, aged 6, was largely non-verbal all his life, which, according to the doctors, was partly due to a cerebral aneurysm he had had at ten days. They also thought it was because he was suffering from Sotos syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects the structure of the face and causes learning disorders.

Motz was working with specialists to improve his speech, but had not made much progress.

"Nothing really worked," said his mother Meredith Interior Edition. "He probably had a vocabulary of five words and we were looking for alternative means of communication."

She said to the New York Times that Mason could say the first part of a word, but the rest was incomprehensible.

"My husband and I were the only ones who could understand it," said Meredith.

(G-D) Mason and Meredith Motz

(G-D) Mason and Meredith Motz

Interior Edition

Then, at a dentist appointment in April 2017, Dr. Amy Ludeman-Lazar noticed that Mason's tongue was attached to the base of her mouth, called tongue clip.

"When you are in utero with your mother, you have webbed fingers and toes, and when you develop, your tongue is on the floor of your mouth. It separates in the same way, according to the same process, and an attachment to the language is simply an incomplete separation, "explained Ludeman-Lazar. Interior Edition.

After seeing this in Mason's mouth, she rushed to Meredith and her husband, Dalan, in the waiting room, and asked if she could use a laser to perform the 10-second procedure that would correct her tie. After a quick search on Google, they agreed.

"We brought him home that night, and then he started talking about" I'm hungry, I'm thirsty. Can we watch a movie? 'Like, we blow in the mind with these full sentences for the first time, seven or eight hours after returning home,' said Meredith. "It was just shocking."

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Mason still works with a speech therapist and has gone from the level of a child at one year to that of a 4 year old child in the months that followed the procedure. They expect him to be on the right track with other children his age by the time he turns 13 years old. He is also able to eat without choking.

Meredith said that experience had taught her to fight for your child if you think something is wrong.

"[Parents] have to trust their instinct for their child, and if you think something is going on, the doctors can tell you one thing, but keep looking and keep trying, because you are usually right, "she said. "You know your child best."

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