A baby dies as a result of a diaper: The Iowa attorney states that his father's negligence resulted in the death of his 4-month-old son



A prosecutor in the trial of a father from Iowa whose infant son was found dead and infested with flies in a swing told a jury that the "child" was dead of ############################################################################# 39, a diaper rash ".

Iowa Deputy Attorney General Coleman McAllister told the jury on Tuesday that Sterling Koehn, 4 months old, had been wearing the same diaper for nine to 14 days when his body was found on the swing on August 30. 2017, in the apartment of his parents, Alta Vista. the mail has reported.

The baby's father, Zachary Paul Koehn, 29, is charged with murder and endangering children. Cheyanne Harris, the boy's mother, is also charged and will be subject to a separate trial at a later date.

McAllister said in an opening statement Tuesday that the baby's very dirty diaper had attracted insects that had laid eggs that had hatched into larvae. The resulting diaper rash resulted in a ruptured skin and the e.Coli bacteria was installed.

"He died of diaper rash. That's right, diaper rash," McAllister said.

The report of a coroner showed that the baby had died of malnutrition, dehydration and an infection.

In his opening statements Tuesday, Koehn's lawyer said the baby's death was a tragedy, but not a crime.

McAllister denied the defense's claim, saying that Koehn was an experienced parent. He noted that Koehn's 2-year-old daughter was also in the apartment and was in good health, and that Koehn had money to buy food and baby supplies. He stated that Koehn was an addict.

EMT Toni Friedrich, a nurse and county fire brigade, said on Tuesday that she was the first to arrive at the apartment after Koehn called 911 to announce that the baby had died. Friedrich stated that Koehn showed no emotion when he drove her into the dark, warm bedroom where the baby's body was.

The baby "had her eyes open and her eyes blank," she said.

Friedrich said when she touched the baby's chest, her clothes were crisp. When she moved her blanket, the gnats flew, she said.

Koehn's lawsuit was moved from Chickasaw County to Henry County to counter pre-trial advertising.

(Copyright © 2018 by The Associated Press, All Rights Reserved.)

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