A big piece of the moon that has become a lunar meteorite has just sold for more than $ 600,000 – BGR


Getting hold of a piece of the moon is damn hard for most of us. Some lunar missions have yielded samples of the Moon's surface, but these are usually kept by scientists and museums, allowing them to be studied and shown.

Recently, a fairly large piece of Earth's only natural satellite was auctioned, but it was not brought back by astronauts. This fragmented hunk of the Moon fell on the Earth all by itself, and it has now reached the incredible price of $ 612,500.

It is thought that the strange rock crashed on Earth thousands of years before being discovered last year in Africa. The meteorite, which bears the label NWA 11789 (NWA in this case, means "North-West Africa"), is actually composed of several smaller individual pieces that fit together perfectly, allowing to some to nickname the rock "the puzzle of the moon".

Obviously, rocks like this do not "fall" from the moon and fail to reach the Earth. It is likely that any impact between the Moon and another object caused the ejection of materials, including this block, to the sky. The rock was driven by the gravitational forces of the Earth and finally rocked into the atmosphere to reach the ground.

The outside of the rock shows signs that it has undergone the intense friction and heat that accompanies a journey into the Earth's atmosphere. It is a fairly important lunar relic, but as it was discovered by a private person, it is now a serious collector's item. The incredible price of the rock results from its rarity, its size and the fact that it comes from the Moon, as opposed to a meteorite of unknown origin.

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