A billionaire takes his money in space – Sonoma State Star


Have money a sufficient qualification to be sent in the space? Yusaku Maezawa, a Japanese billionaire, will be ready to take off on the moon with six to eight artists on SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket by 2023, if production goes well.

Maezawa is one of the biggest fashion entrepreneurs in Japan, who is very interested in many forms of art, especially painting. According to NPR, he spent more than $ 110 million on the American artist, Jean-Michel Basquiat's vintage painting, making it the highest amount paid on a work produced in the United States at a sale. auction. As Maezawa is very passionate about art, he launches a #dearMoon project to deliver a unique experience in the art world.

On dearmoon.earth's website, # dearEarth, explains Maezawa. "… The artists representing the Earth will be heading to the moon. A painter, musician, filmmaker, fashion designer … Some of the greatest talents on Earth will come into a spaceship and be inspired like never before. He further explains, "People are creative and have great imagination. We all have the ability to dream dreams that have never been dreamed of, to sing songs that have never been sung, to paint what has never been seen before. I hope this project will inspire the dreamer in all of us. I hope this project will inspire the dreamer in all of us. "

Each of the artist's seats has already been purchased on the spacecraft for the lunar excursion, so we look forward to seeing who will take the expedition and its reflection process to find out why it brings them. Having a transparent perspective of the space and the moon will create an extraordinary art and with the power to document everything, whether through paintings, photographs or high quality videos, will give a new round of improved reality which has never been explored before. The livestreams and works of their artist could be shared on social media such as YouTube, where consumers can relieve their experience while making it accessible worldwide.

Big Falcon Rocket, BFR, #dearmoon's spacecraft is currently under development and construction by SpaceX. BFR is a reusable spacecraft whose estimated cost of about $ 5 billion is estimated by Elon Musk. The project to go to the Moon, Mars and even beyond this project, with many years to plan and perfect this rocket, could lead us to a new future. "It's dangerous, to be clear," Musk said. "It's not a walk in the park here. When you push the border, it is not certain. … Chances are something is going wrong. … we had better fly that flight properly. If it succeeds, the reality of space tourism will be soon. It is unclear how much this will cost, but over time, the frequent holidays on the moon can be as accessible as a plane trip around the world.

Nothing has been said about the qualifications and training required for Maezawa and her chosen artists to go to space. It is expected that more than one professional will accompany them to ensure safety and knowledge, which will result in minimal training. Musk has been thinking about the possibility of participating in the lunar expedition, there are still many years to decide. The fans will wait patiently for the answer in the years to come.

NASA is currently the only space agency to be allowed to send humanity into space and travel the moon, although SpaceX is not the only company to work on space exploration for commercialization . The founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, also has a space company, Blue Origin, with a rocket called The New Shepard, which plans to send people into space by 2020. There will be competition between the two companies. off, success and reusability.

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