A blanket of spider webs creates a beautiful scene in a Greek city


A huge blanket of spider webs has covered the Aitoliko Lagoon area, in the west of Greece.

The canvases cover palms and plants at least 300 meters long, reports the Daily Hellas.

Residents said the spider's sudden increase was caused by the arrival of mosquitoes in the city.

A molecular biologist said that spiders
Experts say spiders are not dangerous. Pic: Giannis Giannakopoulos

Spiders are probably of the genus Tetragnatha, commonly called spiders extensible because of their elongated body.

The genus covers hundreds of species that are found all over the world, although most are found in tropical and subtropical regions.

Spider webs have covered the riparian area of ​​the western Greek city. Pic: Giannis Giannakopoulos
The show can happen every few years. Pic: Giannis Giannakopoulos

Some species live near lakes or shores.

Maria Chatzaki, a molecular biologist, told Greek news website Newsit.gr: "These spiders are not dangerous to humans and will not cause any damage to the region's flora.

"The spiders will have their party and will die soon."

Ms. Chatzaki said the phenomenon can occur every two years.

She said the reason for the extent of the websites was a combination of timing and opportunism.

"When the animal finds abundant food, high temperatures and sufficient moisture, it has the ideal conditions to be able to make a larger population," she added.

"This phenomenon is born of a population explosion of this spider."

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