A blasphemous lawyer was forced to leave Pakistan "against my wishes"


The Pakistani lawyer who rescued a Christian convicted of death row blasphemy said Monday that the UN and the EU had made him leave the country "against my will" because he was a "priority target ".

Saif-ul-Malook, who fled to the Netherlands, said he had contacted a UN official in Islamabad after the Islamist violence that erupted as a result of the Supreme Court's acquittal Pakistani on Asia Bibi Wednesday.

"And then (the United Nations) and the ambassadors of the European nations in Islamabad, they kept me for three days and then put in a plane against my will," said the lawyer at the time. a press conference in The Hague.

"I urged them to leave the country only if I took out Asia from prison … I'm not happy to be here without her, but everyone said you're the target main for the moment and that the whole world is grabbing Asia Bibi's care.

"They were of the opinion that I was the main target of my death and that my life was in imminent danger.For three days, they did not let me open the door.One day, j & rsquo; I called the French ambassador to tell him that I did not want to be here. "

The lawyer had previously told AFP, before his departure Saturday, his departure, because "in the current scenario, it is impossible for me to live in Pakistan."

Malook arrived in The Hague this weekend after a brief stopover in Rome, with the help of the HVC Foundation, a Dutch group dedicated to the human rights of Christian minorities.

Asia Bibi spent nearly 10 years on death row after being accused of blasphemy following an argument with villagers for drinking in the same bowl of water. The charge is inflammatory in Pakistan's Muslim majority.

– "Exercise to save the face" –

But she remains in Pakistan after Prime Minister Imran Khan has reached an agreement with Islamist extremists behind the protests to ban her from leaving until a court appeal is heard.

The former legendary cricket, Khan, was accused of surrender in front of ultra-conservative Islamists who had called for the assassination of the country's Supreme Court judges and mutiny against the highest authorities of the country. Army as a result of the judgment.

Khan's first wife, activist and British filmmaker Jemima Khan, joined the chorus to reprimand the prime minister, claiming that his administration had indeed signed Bibi's "death warrant".

Malook called the deal a "saving" operation for the Tehreek-e-Labaik party's extremists and insisted that Asia Bibi would be "100%" released soon.

"This compromise is nothing but a piece of paper that can be thrown in the trash," he said.

"The government can not make such an agreement with anyone."

It was not clear if Bibi had received a firm asylum offer if she left Pakistan, added the lawyer, who stated that he was "legally allowed" to choose a country for her.

Her husband pleaded for international help to leave the country.

– Offer from the Mayor of Paris –

The lawyer said that a UN official in Pakistan had told him "we take care of her" but that "when I said which country, they said that we could not say.

"I asked the ambassador of France" would your country be willing to offer asylum to Asia Bibi. He said that if you asked us legally, I would say "OK, I'm asking for it". "

The Italian authorities had apologized after several hours of detention at the Rome airport, Malook said.

The mayor of Paris said Monday that she was "ready to welcome" Asia Bibi in Paris and urged the French government to intervene with Islamabad.

"France has a duty to help her and her family by intervening with the Pakistani government so that she gets the right to asylum in another country where she will be safe and totally free. to practice one's religion, "said Mayor Anne Hidalgo to AFP.

The EU has not given initial response to the comments of the lawyer, but has previously called on Pakistan to "take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of every Pakistani citizen, including of course from Mrs Bibi, "said European Commission spokesman Carlos Martin Ruiz De Gordejuela, at a daily briefing.

The UN did not react immediately.

burs-dk / pma

Pakistani lawyer Saif-ul-Mulook, who escaped to the Netherlands, said he had contacted a UN official in Islamabad after Islamist violence erupted. after the acquittal of Asia Bibi by the Pakistan Supreme Court.

Pakistani lawyer Saif-ul-Mulook had previously told AFP that he was leaving his country because "under the current scenario, it's impossible for me to live in Pakistan".

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