A bomb attack, a poll Beto and Obama calls Trump: there are only 10 days left


Welcome to The Tip Sheet, a daily political analysis of the 2018 elections, based on interviews with Republican and Democrat leaders, pollsters, strategists and voters.

• Will the arrest of a Trump supporter during the nationwide direct mail campaign hurt Republicans in the mid-term elections? This idea seems to have crossed the mind of the president – but not for the reasons you might expect.

Some Republican officials privately want voters to connect Trump's caustic words about Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama with the bomber who has chosen to target them. But Mr Trump seems to be worried about something more basic: "momentum".

Seating briefly to reporters on Friday, he used the word three times when he discussed arrest and gossip.

"The Republicans have had tremendous momentum and of course that has happened," he said, adding, "We must now start the momentum again."

Strategists have been divided on the sustainability of a so-called "Kavanaugh bump" in polls, strengthening Republicans in the last few weeks following the Supreme Court's confirmation process. But there is little doubt that Republicans would rather get the attention of voters there – or somewhere else, really – if the alternative is a national meditation on presidential guilt for inciting violence.

• Until now, Republicans are acting cautiously, if they are attacking bomb episodes.

Rep. Mike Coffman of Colorado, facing one of the toughest re-election fights of the year, was about as forceful as most Republicans were prepared to get:

"Democrats and Republicans must unite to condemn these acts of national terrorism and let officials know that the intimidation of citizens, journalists and public officials can not stand," he said. declared. posted on Twitter.

The suspect of the attack, Cesar Altieri Sayoc Jr., in a photo taken with a photo ID in Miami.CreditGetty Images

Mr. Coffman has generally been more critical of the President's rhetoric than other members of his party, particularly in immigration matters. (Many people in his district were born abroad.) But Mr. Coffman did not specifically mention the president in his tweet.

Trump said he sees the caravan – and immigration in the broad sense – as a winning issue in the final days of the campaign. And across the country, candidates, party committees and outside groups follow his example. Even very far from the southern border.

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