A boy who never stopped eating dies at age 11


This is the worst nightmare of all mothers: seeing your child suffer more every day, but you can not do anything for them.

For eight years, it was the reality of Zola Benjamin.

At the age of three, her son Caden was diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome, a genetic disorder in which his appetite is never satisfied. Basically, their hunger is permanent, no matter how much food they eat.

"There are days when I feel like," Okay, there may be hope. Things could get better. But the truth is that it never gets easier, "Zola told you last year.

"This is my call for help. I want to help my son and make his life easier. But I am limited in what I can do for him. "

And the doctors were too. By the age of 11, Caden's condition had evolved to the point that his organs could not stand the tension and had trouble breathing. He spent most of his time attached to an oxygen tank.

On November 15 of this year, he died at Steve Biko University Hospital in Pretoria.

Zola is devastated.

"I had the impression that my life was over," said the distraught mother the moment her son took his last breath.

"My heart has a big hole inside. It has been all my life and my reason for wanting to live. I can not continue without him. The pain is indescribable. No mother should ever have to bury her child. I never thought he would leave so early.

Zola does not want to reveal the weight of her son at the time of his death. Last year, just 10 years ago, Caden tipped the scales to 90 kg.

He was not an overweight baby but born prematurely and weighed just 1.2 kg at birth.

Zola says that she stayed in the hospital with her baby for almost two months before the doctors were ready to send him away.

She never took anything strange in him although he gained weight quickly.

At three, Caden weighed 40 kg and Zola decided to have tests done.

"The doctor said he suspected Cushing's syndrome, but it has never been confirmed."

Cushing's syndrome occurs when a person is exposed to high levels of cortisol over a long period, his most common symptoms being weight gain and obesity.

Zola took her son to Steve Biko Hospital in Pretoria, where doctors performed tracheotomy and adenoidectomy (procedures in which tonsils and adenoids were removed). The doctors also decided that Caden had to undergo a tracheostomy, in which a tube is inserted into the trachea to allow breathing.

Caden Benjamin

But the family has never been diagnosed.

"Then we thought Caden was morbidly obese.

"One year later, we had extensive blood tests. It was then determined that Caden had Prader-Willi syndrome. "

Since we spoke to her last year, Zola, who lives in Standerton, Mpumalanga, underwent hip surgery and developed cellulitis, which was "very painful".

"The effects of Prader-Willi syndrome led Caden to heart failure and kidney failure, to diabetes, to water retention and even made him depressed. His body ached and he was in constant pain. His suffering was immense. "

Seeing her son suffer day after day was heartbreaking, Zola tells us.

"I felt helpless because the doctors could not do anything for him. Looking at him in pain has made me feel totally helpless. "

On a Sunday night in November, Caden had to be transported to the hospital. His heart was weak, his loins weak and he had trouble breathing. Four days later, around 1 pm, doctors gave him morphine for the first time. About 30 minutes later, he died.

Since his son needed 24-hour care, Zola could not work full-time. She tried to sell samosas and second-hand clothes and prepared custom food to help pay the bills, but financially it was difficult.

Caden Benjamin

"The hospital was very far away and private transportation cost a fortune. He could not be exposed to germs on the bus. And his expenses outside the hospital were enormous. As his condition deteriorates, his expenses would increase.

Zola does not know how she will pay her medical bills and give Caden the shipment he deserves. But with the help of her dear friend, Gila Sacks, a fundraising page has been created on BackaBuddy, where local and international donations can be made.

Although she struggles to cope with the loss of her son, Zola is grateful for the support of her family, friends and even strangers.

"My family and friends are here for me. They are also in mourning. Everyone loved and took care of Caden. He has touched so many hearts through the media and social media. "

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