A brave raccoon climbs into a tall building, jumps, survives


Do not mess. With. This. Face.
Do not mess. With. This. Face.

Image: Valery Matytsin / TASS / getty images

Sorry cats, but when it comes to climbing tall buildings, you have nothing compared to raccoons.

In Ocean City, New Jersey, on Friday, a raccoon was spotted on a nine-story building. The raccoon jumped out of the building, struck the soft sand with his little raccoon paws and rushed.

Watch this little acrobat in action:

Twitter reacted with shock – and explanations:

This is not the first time that a raccoon has been sighted climbing a large building. In June, a raccoon climbed a 25-story skyscraper. He was then captured and released safely in the wild.

Where I come from, raccoons were known to dig the good trash at McDonald's and give rage to children. I am so glad that people see the other side better of raccoons.

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