A breast cancer vaccine undergoing clinical trials could one day save millions


A new triple-negative breast cancer vaccine currently being tested at the Jacksonville Mayo Clinic could one day save millions of lives.

The doctors said that although the vaccine was still undergoing clinical trials, early results indicate that it seems to work with little negative side effects. The only problem is that reports indicate that less than 5% of adults with cancer participate in clinical trials or studies.

Stacy Hanson, who is fighting triple negative breast cancer, hopes to address it by lobbying for more cancer patients to get involved. She thinks it could help doctors make progress that could save future generations.

"We need clinical trials and participants," said Hanson.

Dr. Saranya Chumsri said the idea of ​​the vaccine was related to vaccination against infections, such as measles and influenza, and that it could help the immune system to get better. body to prevent the return of cancer.

"It's for patients who have had breast cancer before, but at an early stage, and the tumor has already been resected," Chumsri said. "Then we will vaccinate the patient to help reduce the risk of recurrence."

Since Hanson is already in the last stages of cancer, the vaccine would not work for her. But that does not prevent him from pleading in his favor.

She thinks it could help save people in the future, such as her 5-year-old daughter.

"Yes, I hope that in my life, science is catching up and that I'm forty or fifty years old," said Hanson. "I want it for myself, but more importantly, I want my daughter to have a life without cancer, I do not want her to worry about cancer."

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