A "bug" on Twitter has resulted in a significant drop in the number of followers for branded media accounts


SMedia and celebrities took a major hit on Twitter this week.

According to data compiled by CrowdTangle, the third-party social media tracking system, news organizations from all political backgrounds have lost parts of their accounts.

The New York Times, for example, has a net loss of more than 180,000 subscribers. During the same period, Fox News lost 60,000. CNN lost 193,000.

More than 30 national news agencies and political blogs have shown a clear loss of supporters this week, an abnormal trend.

The decline in Twitter's reach has not been limited to the media alone. Singer Katy Perry, followed by more than 100 million accounts, lost more than 3 million followers on Twitter.

In recent months, a number of conservatives, including legislators, have claimed that Twitter has been "shadow forbid them" – limit or block the visibility of their posts, which the company has denied.

On Friday, a spokesman for Twitter said the number of followers could continue to change more regularly as part of the company's ongoing work to proactively identify and challenge problematic accounts.

"As part of this work, we discovered a bug in which some of these accounts were added, which led to misleading accounts," said the company in a statement. "We're working now to make sure everyone's account gets back to normal. This problem has affected very few accounts. "

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