A California college studies cannabis by smoking marijuana and trying to drive


SAN DIEGO – It's legal for Californians to smoke marijuana now, but how long after ignition is it safe to drive? Researchers at the University of California at San Diego are trying to understand this to help users and law enforcement.

The Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research of the UCSD (CMCR) teamed up with the California Highway Patrol Legislative Corps.

After a first visit, participants smoke cannabis and are then subjected to a driving simulation. The joints of marijuana have different doses, of no THC with high THC content.

"If you have smoked this morning, are you intoxicated all day, are you intoxicated for a few hours or are you not disabled? Said Tom Marcotte, co-director of the CMCR

. According to Marcotte, determine if a person with marijuana is more complicated than alcohol. A regular cannabis user may have THC in their system and not be tampered with.

Participants complete driving simulations, field sobriety tests, iPad performance evaluations and body fluids

With iPad tests, researchers test memory, pay attention and motor control. What they learn in the study could help identify new sobriety tests on the ground for law enforcement.

With 180 participants, Marcotte says their study is the largest of its kind to date.

Researchers are still looking for about 80 participants, and they must have experience with cannabis. The application states that participants will be reimbursed for their time.

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