A Canadian barge crashed on a dock at the Detroit River near Nicholson Terminal & Dock Co. on West Jefferson Avenue on Friday, confirmed the US Coast Guard.

James Beneteau, a 2nd-class Coast Guard operations specialist in the Detroit area, told the Free Press that the accident occurred around 9:41 am when the PML 9000, a Canadian barge carrying steel coils, had begun to turn towards the jetty in transit.

Beneteau stated that the barge tug operators, called Anglian Lady, had tried to get the barge to govern, but the barge did not respond. The tug then attempted to reverse, but it was too late and the barge collided with the concrete pier.

The pier was not damaged, but a hole was drilled in the port side of the barge, above the waterline, said Beneteau.

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There were 8 crew members aboard the ship, but Beneteau stated that no one had been injured.

Coast Guard prevention officers were dispatched to the site to take pictures, assess the damage and investigate.

Contact Aleanna Siacon at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter: @AleannaSiacon.

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