A Canadian startup creates the world's first beer brewed from a cannabis plant


A young Canadian company has developed the first-ever cannabis beer with the goal of offering an alternative to alcohol.

Province Brands, based in Toronto, created the beverage using the stem, stems and roots of the plant

Barley brewed beers are already available on the market and infused with Cannabis oil, but none before the brewing process.

  Province Brands, based in Toronto, created the beverage using the stem, stems and roots of the plant.

  Province Brands, based in Toronto, created the beverage using stem, stems and roots

based in Toronto, created the beverage using the stem, stems and roots of the plant

  ] The Senate of Canada voted to legalize recreational marijuana nationwide in June. Pictured: Smoke rises during annual 4/20 marijuana rally in Ottawa on April 20, 2018

  The Senate of Canada voted to legalize recreational marijuana nationwide in June. Pictured: Smoke rises during annual 4/20 marijuana rally in Ottawa on April 20, 2018

The Senate of Canada voted to legalize recreational marijuana nationwide in June. Pictured: Smoke rises during annual 4/20 marijuana rally in Ottawa on April 20, 2018

Dooma Wendschuh, CEO and co-founder of Province Brands, told The Guardian that her creation had a dry taste, salty and less sweet than a typical beer ".

He added: "The beer hits you very quickly, which is not common for edible marijuana."

In June, Canada passed a federal bill to legalize recreational marijuana at the national level.

The bill was passed in the Senate by a vote of 52-29 in June to end the 90-year ban. Effective until October 17.

The law makes Canada the second country to have a legal marijuana market nationwide, after Uruguay

Wendschuh, an American who moved to Canada to take advantage of legalization imminent. he hopes to change the culture of alcohol.

"The idea came from thought," Can we create something that can serve the role that alcohol serves in our society, and can we do that using this drastic change in Sea is happening in our world right now? "

  The law makes Canada the second country to have a legal national marijuana market after Uruguay." In the photo: A woman who smokes cannabis outside the Canadian Parliament in April

  The law makes Canada the second country to have a legal national marijuana market after Uruguay In the photo: A woman who smokes cannabis outside the Canadian Parliament in April

The law makes Canada the second country to have a legal national marijuana market after Uruguay: In the photo: A woman smoked cannabis outside the Canadian parliament in April

But he admitted that It was not easy to create an appetizing product, with the first lots of beer to taste "horrible" and "like rotten broccoli."

Finally, a chemist helped the team to find the right mix of hops, yeast, cannabis and water.

The end product is alcohol free and contains no gluten.

But this still creates a high for the drinker since it contains the main psychoactive constituent of cannabis – tetrahydrocannabinol.

Wendschuh, however, is sure to point out that the drink is still not "good for you" and should only be consumed in moderation.

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