A captivating video shows a superpod of dolphins chasing prey in California | MNN


A video caught the eye: At least 1,000 dolphins cross Monterey Bay in a superpod, creating a show while tracking their morning meal.

The video was taken by the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California. As a rule, dolphins swim in a few tens of meters at a time, but observation of super-dogs is rare, especially near the coast. (However, there were reports of a superpod of 100,000 dolphins near San Diego in 2013!)

Seeing hundreds of these creatures together, chasing billions of baitfish, is fascinating.

It occurs when the food source sought by the dolphins changes direction and the pods begin to overlap, bringing several pods together in a beautiful and almost synchronized swim towards the food.

They work together to gather schools of small fish so that everyone can eat enough for their efforts.

It's one of the many incredible things that dolphins do. Whether sleepless for weeks, teaching their youngsters to use tools or communicating through signature whistles, the surprising facts about dolphins are many and impressive.

Ben Bolton looks through a video lens.

A captivating video shows a super-dolphin hunting prey in California

A captivating video shows a large superpod of dolphins chasing their prey in Monterey Bay, California.

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