A car hits children outside of primary school in China; 5 dead


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By Associated press

BEIJING – A car struck a crowd of children and wounded 18 others in a crowd of children in front of a primary school in northeastern China on Thursday, a local government spokesman said. .

The driver was arrested after the accident occurred around noon in the coastal town of Huludao, said spokesman Jianchang County in the suburbs of the city, who refused to give his name, as do the Chinese bureaucrats.

He described the accident as "a major road accident" and said the case was under investigation.

The CCTV public television channel reported that the five dead and all but two of the injured were children.

A security camera showed a line of kids crossing the street in front of their school when a car approached, changing lanes and drifting into the crowd of kids.

It was not clear if the accident was a deliberate attack or if the driver was doing a bypass to avoid obstacles in front of him.

Wang Mingkuan, a chef at a nearby noodle restaurant, said he was preparing meals when the accident occurred.

"I ran out and saw about a dozen children lying on the ground, some of whom were bleeding, all aged about 7 or 8. Two or three had no sign of life. ", said Wang to the Associated Press by phone.

Image: map showing Huludao, China
Huludao is located in the Chinese province of Liaoning.Bing Maps

China has recently experienced a number of similar deliberate incidents.

Last month, a man armed with a knife drove a vehicle into a crowd of pedestrians in Ningbo, in the east of the country, causing two deaths and 16 injuries.

And in September, 11 people were killed and 44 hospitalized after a man deliberately drove a SUV on a square in central Hunan Province, before jumping and attacking the victims with a dagger and a shovel.

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