A caravan of migrants continues its course despite the bottleneck at the border after the hardening of Trump's asylum rules


An important shot of President Trump Thursday on the bow could give migrants from the Central American caravan the opportunity to get an idea of ​​entry to the United States.

The caravan, which has about 6,000 people, spent another night in Mexico City before continuing north to Queretaro.

However, in a statement issued jointly by DHS and the DOJ, the administration said that migrants would not be allowed to illegally enter the United States to file asylum applications. This is how the vast majority of some 150,000 families and children from Central America entered the United States year.

Instead, they will have to enter through official entry points, such as those located near San Diego, Yuma and El Paso. By issuing the new directive, the president creates a bottleneck by channeling tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to already overburdened ports.


With long queues and long waiting times totaling several months, most migrants will have no choice but to turn around or look for a job in Mexico. . Others, impatient, will try to cross illegally. If they are caught, they will lose the right to apply for legal entry for 3 to 10 years.

"Our asylum system is overwhelmed by too many unfounded asylum applications from outsiders who place a tremendous burden on our resources, preventing us from being able to quickly grant asylum to those who are in need of asylum. really deserve it, "said Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Acting Attorney General. Matthew Whitaker in a joint statement.

The administration characterizes these claims as "unfounded", as about 80 percent of these claims are finally dismissed by an immigration judge. However, due to various court decisions and weak standards of proof, most refugee claimants take their first selection interview and allow them to live and work in the United States until a final decision is made. From here, usually about two years, many disappear.


The new rule will face legal challenges, but the result is not certain, leaving the exodus of Central Americans currently in Mexico with a quick decision.

<img src = "https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2018/11/640/320/AP18313006576335.jpg?ve=1&tl=1" alt = " The caravan, which has about 6,000 people, spent another night in Mexico City before continuing north to Queretaro.

The caravan, which has about 6,000 people, spent another night in Mexico City before continuing north to Queretaro.


According to the International Organization for Migration, there are 6,000 migrants here in Mexico City and another 4,000 going north in three additional caravans.

Have they spent four more weeks in the north, praying that their chances will improve, or will they accept the proposal to stay in Mexico for up to a year, with a legal residence and the right to seek a job.

Jorge Gomez, 14, travels with his father Amilca, 47 years old. Both come from Guatemala.

"We want to apply for asylum and we want to leave because there is too much violence in our country," Amilca said last week, after 10 days of driving and 300 miles north of the Guatemalan border.


After spending two hours on Wednesday with the lawyers in Mexico City, the family is reconsidering her claim for asylum based on extortion threats from a local gang.

"They threatened us with giving them money or they would kill (Amilca) and all of us," Jorge said. "He started paying the money and then they asked for a higher amount – he refused. Then they put a gun on his head to kill him and his family. "

Jorge said the lawyer had told them that the Trump administration did not consider the request for asylum based on gang violence. "She said because of our case, what happened, it's going to be difficult. everything we went through is no longer accepted in the United States. "

Members of the caravan that stopped in Mexico City on Thursday asked the buses to take them to the US border, saying it was too cold and dangerous to keep walking and self-driving. stop.

Members of the caravan that stopped in Mexico City on Thursday asked the buses to take them to the US border, saying it was too cold and dangerous to keep walking and self-driving. stop.

Others have no choice. William Blanco will have to cross illegally. He has four children living in Ohio, but he has been deported four times, once for domestic violence and once for driving without a license. the other two concerned the return after expulsion. He spent 14 months in jail on the last charge.

When asked why he was returning home, even after being deported four times, Blanco replied, "For my child, for my little girl, every little girl needs a dad."

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