A Chicago policeman who shot Laquan McDonald violated the link and the rules of the judge


CHICAGO – Jason Van Dyke, the Chicago police officer charged with the murder of Laquan McDonald in 2014, was arrested Thursday by sheriff's officials after a judge found he breached his bail conditions by discussing with local journalists.

Judge Vincent Gaughan's decision to increase Van Dyke's $ 1.5 million bond by $ 2,000 should not result in a lengthy period of imprisonment for the accused officer; It was expected that it will display the extra deposit promptly. But the decision, one day after the start of jury selection, was a largely symbolic reprimand of the pre-trial public relations effort of the defense team in a case that caught the attention of that city and has been the subject of protests for years.

[[[[Learn more about the Laquan McDonald case and its impact on Chicago here.]

Agent Van Dyke, free since 2015, angered prosecutors by addressing reporters at the Chicago Tribune and a local Fox TV channel despite a court order restricting advance advertising At the trial.

"He is trying to testify in the press without being cross-examined," said attorney Joseph Cullen. He called the talks, which took place last month, "an affront to the authority of this court".

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