A child fires a shot on Ikea after the weapon falls into sofa cushions


It is a universal truth that few of our possessions are immune to the magnetic attraction of sofa cushions.

In an Indiana Ikea, this reality could lead to a tragedy on Monday when a client's handgun slipped into a couch, where it was found by a 6-year-old child who triggered it.

Nobody, fortunately, was hurt.

Ikea confirmed in a statement that the incident occurred at his outpost in Fishers, a suburb of Indianapolis, a state with some of the country's most permissive weapons laws.

Around 2 am, a man sits on one of the many sofas in the showroom, not realizing when he has risen that his gun charged had slipped from his person, the Sgt. Tom Weger told the Washington Post. A young boy grabbed the gun and fired him a few minutes later, triggering a "bustle," according to Weger.

The gun owner identified himself after hearing the noise and cooperating with the authorities, according to the Post.

Attempts to contact the Fishers Police Department were not immediately returned Tuesday night.

Through a statement issued at the Indy Star, Ikea has presented his "most sincere apology" to the child's family.

"The safety and security of customers and colleagues is the top priority of IKEA," the statement said. Ikea asserted that the company has put in place "processes in place" to ensure customer safety, including "regular safety walks and checks that take place before, during and after business hours". opening".

"In addition, IKEA has put in place an anti-weapons policy in our sites to prevent exactly this kind of situation," added the Swedish retailer.

According to the National Rifle Association, Indiana does not require residents that they get a license to buy rifles or handguns, and the state does not maintain a database approved rifles or handguns, or their owners. Only owners of handguns who wish to carry their guns in public must obtain a license.

Citing the police, NBC's local affiliate, WTVA, reported that the owner of the gun had a license and that the case would be forwarded to the local Hamilton County Attorney to decide he had to file a complaint.

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