A child rips $ 1,000: a 2-year-old boy puts an envelope with $ 1,060 in the shredder in Salt Lake City, Utah


When a couple from Salt Lake City left an envelope containing $ 1,060 inside, he did not think his 2 year old son would do anything with this envelope. Well, they thought badly.

Ben and Jackee Belnap were saving money to reimburse Ben's parents for seasoned football tickets for the University of Utah. They left the envelope filled with cash on the counter so as not to forget to give it back to them this weekend, Jackee told CBS News.

"We realized that he was gone the next day and we started searching, we searched everywhere in our house and we could not find him," said Jackee. "I have a basket in which I put junk mail and I shred it when it's full." I looked through it, then it made me think of looking in the shredder. "

She found the money, but not in its proper form. The money was cut in small pieces.

"We stayed silent for about five minutes and we just spread the funds and then I broke the silence saying," One day it will make a great wedding story, "Jackee said.

The couple knew that their son was Leo because he helps them regularly shred the junk mail.

"Leo absolutely did not know that he had done something wrong," Jackee said. "It was unfair to get angry and he probably does not even know what's the cash, because we use our credit card for almost everything."

Jackee says the couple has learned the lesson and will not leave new, valuable envelopes, or anything that could inadvertently end up in the shredder.

Although the money is not really usable at the moment, it may be possible to have a cash balance after all.

Jackee says that her husband called the department that is handling mutilated currency and that he was told that he could send them shredded money and that the couple would get their money back. But, they may have to wait a moment.

"They said it takes 6 months to 3 years, so we'll see?" said Jackee.

Fortunately, Ben's parents understood the situation. "They said they could be patient to be reimbursed when the cash could settle them," Jackee said.

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