A chronology of Laquan McDonald's shooting by Chicago police


CHICAGO (AP) – A jury is deliberating in the murder trial of Chicago police white policeman Jason Van Dyke nearly four years after firing 16 times on black teenager Laquan McDonald.

Some key moments in the case:


October 20: Van Dyke fatally shoots McDonald after answering a call about a teenager who has been driving into vehicles at a trucking yard. Other officers support Van Dyke's claim that McDonald, who had a small knife with the blade bent, posed a threat to Van Dyke's life.


April 15: Chicago City Council approves a $ 5 million settlement with the McDonald's family.

November 24: Cook County State Attorney Anita Alvarez announced that she was accusing Van Dyke of first degree murder. A few hours later, the city reacts to the judge's order and publishes a video of the shooting showing a shooting attack showing McDonald's moving away from the officers. The images contradict the stories of Van Dyke and other officers on the place where he threw himself on them with the knife. The release of the video raises days of protests.

December 1: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel fires Superintendent of Police Garry McCarthy following a public outcry over the handling of the McDonald case.

December 7: The US Department of Justice announces that its Civil Rights Division will investigate the police, looking for patterns of racial disparity in its use of force.

December 9th: Emanuel apologizes for killing McDonald's in a speech to City Council. He said the Chicago police needed a "complete and complete reform".

December 16: A grand jury indicts Van Dyke for first degree murder and official misconduct.


February 16: The City of Chicago announces the release of videos of police officers and deaths in custody within 60 days, after being criticized for refusing to broadcast McDonald's videos taken for more than a year .

April 12: A task force created by Emanuel to examine police practices following the McDonald shootout indicates that the ministry must recognize its racist past and review its treatment of excessive force allegations. He also recommends removing the independent police review authority, which investigates the mistakes made by agents.

April 21: Emanuel announces changes in the management of police shootings and misconduct, but draws criticism for failing to abolish the Independent Police Control Authority.

May 13: Emanuel announces that it removes the authority of control of the independent police and replaces it with the Civil Police Investigation Agency, which will have more independence and resources.

June 3: Chicago broadcasts hundreds of videos offering vivid insights into violent clashes involving the police, including the fatal murder of a robbery suspect heading quickly to the agents of a van and an incident in which a policeman knocked out the night stick of a man.

August 18: Police superintendent Eddie Johnson states that seven Chicago police officers should be fired for filing false reports of McDonald's shooting.

October 7: Johnson publishes details of a proposed new policy that would require officers to use as little force as possible and emphasize the sanctity of life.

November 16: A special prosecutor said that a grand jury had been charged with hearing evidence of a possible concealment by Chicago police officers during McDonald's shooting.


January 13: The Department of Justice announces the findings of its investigation on civil rights. He claims that the Chicago Police Department violated the constitutional rights of residents for years – allowing racial bias against Blacks, using excessive force and killing people who did not pose a threat. He concluded that this trend was attributable to "systemic deficiencies" within the department and the city, including inadequate training and a lack of accountability of the bad officers.

March 23: A grand jury adds 16 aggravated battery heads with a firearm to the first-degree murder charges brought against Van Dyke in the McDonald case.

May 17: The police department publishes a new policy on the use of force, which requires its officers to undergo de-escalation training and imposes stricter rules as to when they can use their weapons against fugitive suspects.

3 June: The media reports that the City of Chicago and the Ministry of Justice have negotiated a draft agreement that provides for the establishment of an independent oversight body to monitor changes within the police force, which is the second largest country in the country. But it is unclear whether the courts will monitor at one time or another.

June 14: Leading community groups, including a Black Lives Matter organization, bring a class action suit against Chicago to circumvent or cancel a draft agreement between the city and the Ministry of Justice. Justice that aims to reform the police without the supervision of a federal court.

June 27: Three Chicago police officers are charged with conspiracy to conceal Van Dyke's actions in McDonald's murder.

August 28: The city of Chicago changes course and says it wants to carry out deep reforms of its police under the strict supervision of a federal court, thus abandoning a draft agreement on reforms with the l '. administration of President Donald Trump who did not consider any judicial role.

Nov. 14: The grand jury charged three Chicago police officers with conspiring to cover up what happened when Van Dyke fatally shot McDonald's dismissal without charge to anyone in the department.

December 11: The Chicago Police Department reports that all patrol officers are now equipped with body cameras.


March 20: The American Civil Liberties Union and several community organizations claim to have reached an agreement to make their contribution to the proposed changes to the Chicago Police Department.

September 13: Lawyers finish choosing 12 jurors and five substitutes for Van Dyke's murder trial. Meanwhile, Attorney General Emanuel and Illinois, Lisa Madigan, unveils an updated plan for police reform in the city, ensuring permanent and far-reaching changes in a department of 12,000 officers who perpetuates long serious violations of civil rights. The more than 200-page document is submitted to US District Judge Robert Dow for review.

September 17: beginning of the testimony in the trial of Van Dyke. He is charged with first degree murder, serious abuse and malpractice.

October 4: The jury begins its deliberations after learning that it can take into consideration the second degree murder charge case he did not find Van Dyke guilty of first degree murder.

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