Zoey Oxley had just submitted an article for her performance class when she realized that she had done something very badly.

The graduate of Lakota West and the major studio of the University of Ohio did not call his teacher, John Hendel, the right name.

But it was not just a misspelling.

Oxley, who just started her classes at the end of August, had forgotten Hendel's name when she started writing. She therefore used a nickname that she intended to replace once completed.

This nickname? "Professor what is his nuts."

Oxley told The Enquirer on Friday that when she was looking over her diary, she joked about what would happen if she accidentally submitted it with that name.

She did it.

Oxley detailed the incident Thursday in a tweet that has become viral since.

Oxley said he realized his mistake almost immediately after making the diary.

"As soon as I realized what I had done, I immediately started to panic," she told The Enquirer.

So she wrote Hendel an email apologizing for her mistake.

"Professor Hendel, I write this mail very embarrassingly," began the email. "As I started writing my paper, I wrote the template.Unfortunately, I did not remember your last name, so I filled it with something completely unprofessional."

She continued: "I had the intention to change the name before submission, but that has completely escaped me."

Oxley then apologized for "the lack of respect that was used", hoped that the mistake would not hurt her and said she would call her the correct name the next time.

Despite Oxley's attempt to resubmit the mission, the original copy was found in Hendel's hands.

At first, he said in a tweet on Wednesdayhe was confused as to why Oxley apologized profusely.

"I was like" Thank you, nbd, "he says." Then I got to their diary and saw their instructor was "Professor what's crazy". "


Both Oxley & # 39; s and Hendel & # 39; s The stories of the incident have since taken off on Twitter, each of their tweets gathering more than 300,000 "likes" and tens of thousands of retweets.

Some commentators have sympathized with Oxley, sharing their own mistakes to shed light on what happened.

Others have started editing the Oxley task for grammatical matters.

And, of course, many people wanted to know how things went for Oxley.

But those waiting for an answer will have to be patient: the class meets only one day a week – Thursday – and class this week has been canceled, according to a classmate.

Until then, Oxley avoids Hendel "at all costs".

"Although it ended up being a viral joke," she said, "it was still the most embarrassing thing I've ever done."

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