A comic scientist leads the discovery of a new quantum state of matter


UNB, Dhaka:
A Bangladeshi physicist from Princeton University led an international research team to discover a new quantum state of matter that can be "tuned" at will – and that is ten times more adjustable than existing theories can. explain.
The discovery by Zahid Hasan and his team of this level of quantum material manipulability opens up enormous possibilities for next-generation nanotechnology and quantum computing.
Hasan, the physics professor of Eugene Higgins, became famous in 2014 when he led a team of scientists discovering the "Weyl Fermion," an elusive particle without mass theorized 85 years ago. In 1929, Albert Einstein's colleague at Princeton, physicist Hermann Weyl, predicted the theory of alternative gravity.
Commenting on the latest discovery, considered a potential gamechanger in quantum physics, Professor Zahid Hasan said: "We have found a new control button for the quantum topological world that would be a great playground for engineering. nanometric. "
Hasan and his colleagues, whose research – "Giant and Spin-Giant Orbit Tunability in a Highly Correlated Kagome Magnet" – appear in the current issue of Nature, call their discovery a "new" quantum state of matter existing theories on properties materials.
Liz Fuller-Wright, Editor-in-Chief of Princeton University's Communications Office, has written extensively on the discovery of Zahid Hasan and his team.
Hasan's interest in operating beyond the boundaries of physics has attracted Jia-Xin Yin, a postdoctoral research associate and one of the top three co-authors on paper. Yin said, when he spoke to Professor Hasan, "he (Hasan) has said something very interesting to me.He is looking for new phases of matter.The question is not defined.We must look for the question rather than the answer. "
The classical phases of matter – solids, liquids and gases – come from interactions between atoms or molecules. In a quantum phase of matter, the interactions are between the electrons and are much more complex, writes Liz Fuller-Wright.
"This could indeed testify to a new quantum phase of matter – and for me, it's exciting," said David Hsieh, a professor of physics at the California Institute of Technology and a PhD student in 2009. A graduate of Princeton, who was not involved in this research. "They gave some clues that something interesting is happening, but a lot of follow-up work needs to be done, not to mention theoretical support to see what actually causes what they see."
Hasan worked in the revolutionary field of topological materials, a field of condensed matter physics, where his team discovered topological quantum magnets a few years ago. In his current research, he and his colleagues "have found a strange quantum effect on the new type of topological magnet that we can control at the quantum level," said Hasan, who was on the list of the world's most influential scientists. .
The key was to examine not individual particles, but how they interact with each other in the presence of a magnetic field. Some quantum particles, like humans, act differently on their own than in a community, Hasan said. "You can study all the details of the fundamental principles of particles, but there is no way to predict the culture, or the art, or the society, that will emerge when you assemble them and that you will not be able to do that. they will begin to interact strongly with each other ". he said.
To study this quantum "culture", he and his colleagues arranged atoms on the surface of the crystals according to many different patterns and observed what had happened. They used various materials prepared by collaborating groups in China, Taiwan and Princeton. A special arrangement, a six-fold honeycomb shape called "kagome network" for its resemblance to a Japanese weaving pattern, has given rise to something astonishing – but only when it was examined under a spectromicroscope in the presence of a strong magnetic field. in Hasan's lab for topological quantum material and advanced spectroscopy, located in the basement of the Jadwin Hall of Princeton.

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