A complete chronology of the case of Cristiano Ronaldo


Cristiano Ronaldo was accused of sexual assault by Kathryn Mayorga, who opened a lawsuit against the football player following an incident in Las Vegas in 2009. Mayorga's lawyer claims that she was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement shortly after the incident, claiming that the NDA should now be considered legally void.

Mayorga told his story at the German Der Spiegel point of sale on September 29 before filing a civil suit against Ronaldo, seeking to overturn the NDA that she had signed in 2010. The Las Vegas Police Department also reopened its criminal investigation. Ronaldo and his lawyers rejected the claims of Mayorga and Der Spiegel.

This is a timeline of important events in history, from 2009 to today.

13 June 2009: Kathryn Mayorga reports rape to police but does not identify Cristiano Ronaldo name

Mayorga contacted the Las Vegas police at 14:16. the afternoon following his assault. She told the dispatcher that she did not want to identify her abuser because he was a public figure. The police drove her to a local hospital, where she passed a rape kit exam.

January 12, 2010: Ronaldo, Mayorga's lawyers accept the terms of the NDA

Mayorga, his lawyer and the lawyers of Cristiano Ronaldo sign an agreement amicably. Both parties agree not to discuss the incident in a confidentiality agreement and the Ronaldo team agrees to pay Mayorga $ 375,000. Ronaldo is not present at the signing of the agreement.

April 19, 2017: Der Spiegel publishes allegations against Ronaldo

Eight years later, Der Spiegel publishes his first report on the rape charges against Ronaldo. The German outlet claims to have obtained the documents describing the allegations of Football Leaks, which until then were aimed primarily at unveiling the financial secrets of football. In this report, Mayorga is identified under the pseudonym "Susan K.", as she clearly stated in the police reports and transaction documents, that she wished to keep her identity secret.

September 29, 2018: Mayorga tells his story

A year and a half after the first story of Ronaldo by Der Spiegel, Mayorga decided to reveal his identity and tell his story. This occurred in conjunction with Der Spiegel and Football Leaks, who discovered more documents relating to the case and a subsequent settlement. In history, Mayorga gives a graphic description of his assault.

Der Spiegel claims to have acquired from Ronaldo's lawyers a questionnaire he had filled out, in which he said: "She said no and stopped several times".

Ronaldo threatens to sue Der Spiegel

Hours after the publication of the article, Ronaldo's lawyer, Christian Schertz, called the case "patently illegal" and said it was "a crime." 39, an "inadmissible report of suspicions in the field of protection of privacy".

September 30, 2018: The editor of Der Spiegel responds with the details of the report

Following the legal threat of Schertz, Der Spiegel sports editor Christoph Winterbach publishes a 25-tweet thread detailing his team's reports to ensure the accuracy of their story. It includes screenshots of the documents mentioned in the article.

October 1, 2018: Mayorga sues Ronaldo for the cancellation of the NDA

Mayorga's new lawyer, Leslie Mark Stovall, says she did not have adequate representation in 2009 and 2010 and was bullied. He filed a lawsuit in Clark County, Nevada, to strike down the 2010 settlement and the NDA.

October 2, 2018: reopening of the case by the Las Vegas police

Las Vegas police confirmed that she had investigated a rape complaint in June 2009, but that she could not follow because "the victim did not provide investigators the place of the incident or the description of the suspect ". Now that Mayorga is ready to give details, the case has been reopened.

October 3, 2018: Ronaldo publishes his public denial

October 4, 2018: Ronaldo excluded from Portugal

Portugal coach Fernando Santos confirms that Ronaldo will not play for Portugal for the rest of 2018, having excluded him from the November matches. Santos refuses to confirm or deny that Ronaldo was omitted because of the charges against him.

Ronaldo's sponsors express their concern. Juventus does not

Two of Ronaldo's biggest sponsors, Nike and EA Sports, are preparing to stand out from Ronaldo.

His club, Juventus, takes a different and rather insensitive position.

This calendar will be updated as more and more information becomes available

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