A couple who named their baby after Adolf Hitler found guilty in England


A neo-Nazi couple who named their child after Adolf Hitler was convicted on Monday of being part of a banned right-wing group in England.

Adam Thomas, 22, and Claudia Patatas, 38, were convicted by the Birmingham Crown Court, in the West Midlands region of the country, to be members of the organization. extreme right National Action. The group was banned in 2016.

According to the British Press Association Press Association, the court learned that the couple had given their child the first name "Adolf" after Hitler, because of Thomas "admiration" for him.

Photos were also found in the couple's house showing Thomas wearing the white Ku Klux Klan dress holding his son in his arms, according to PA.

The jury also saw a tattoo of Patatas, which reproduces a complex floor design inside an old SS headquarters at Wewelsburg Castle in Germany, PA announced.

The court learned that National Action members had several methods of concealing their contacts and using closed encrypted messaging platforms to hold meetings to spread their ideology.

The group was banned by former UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd after she called it "racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic".

Rudd added that it was "an organization that fuels hatred, glorifies violence and promotes an infamous ideology, and I will not support it." It has absolutely no place in a Britain that works for everyone ".

The group was outlawed after celebrating the murder of Labor Party member Jo Cox.

At the same trial, Daniel Bogunovic, 27, was also found guilty of belonging to the group and three other men confessed that they were members before the trial, the Midlands police said. ;Where is.

The couple and the other four men will be sentenced in December, PA said.

After the verdict, the head of the West Midlands Counterterrorism Unit, Matt Ward, said the convicted people "were not just racist fantasies".

"We now know that it was a dangerous and well-structured organization," he said in a statement posted on the West Midlands police website.

"Their goal was to spread the neo-Nazi ideology by provoking a race war in the UK and they had spent years acquiring the skills necessary to carry out this task.They had been researching how to make explosives. gathered weapons … inspired the violence and spread hatred and fear in the West Midlands ".

Ward said the convictions bore a heavy blow to the national action. "We have dismantled their chapter of Midlands but that does not mean that the threat they pose will disappear," he added.

To date, 10 people in total have been convicted or recognized members of the National Action, according to the AP.

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