A decade after the financial crisis, Michigan is still recovering


But obstacles remain for the lower classes of the state, such as failing schools in Detroit and other communities. Michigan ranks 40th in the country in terms of the high school graduation rate, with only 79.7% of students receiving a diploma. And about 13% of Michigan youth aged 18 to 24 are neither in college nor looking for a job, which will further perpetuate adult poverty.

In 2000, Michigan ranked eighth in per-student spending from kindergarten to grade 12, but dropped to 24th in 2016. Inflation-adjusted data shows Michigan spending per student has fallen by $ 663 and the US average of $ 1,400.

According to the 2017 Michigan Business Leaders Report, Michigan ranks 46th in the United States for reading skills in the fourth grade.

And with the inevitable recession announcing, nothing indicates that the future of Michigan residents will be better than before the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

"If times are tough, you can not postpone shopping, but you can postpone the purchase of a car," said Ballard. "Thus, any recession may be exceptionally difficult for a state like Michigan that is focused on producing durable goods.Because of the long-term contraction of the manufacturing sector, Michigan does not depend as much on the manufacturing being, but we still depend on manufacturing more than the average state. "

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