A diabetic boy selling pumpkins to raise money for a service dog – Boston News, Weather, Sports


October 15, 2018

HOWARD CITY, Mich. (WHDH) – A diabetic boy who needs an assistance dog to help him lead a normal life is selling pumpkins to raise money for a new four-legged friend.

Katrina Christensen recently shared pictures of her son, Ian, selling his pumpkins and created a fundraising page on Facebook.

Christensen explained how Ian had been diagnosed with diabetes at the age of four. Because of his illness, he can not take the bus to go to school like other children.

"He wants to get on the school bus like his friends," wrote Christensen. "Unfortunately, the district rejected his request because no one had been trained on the bus in case of emergency. It devastated him. He decided that he was going to raise money to get an alert dog so that he could get on the bus!

Through his hard work and the help of online supporters, Ian has raised more than $ 16,000 out of the $ 25,000 required for the assistance dog.

(Copyright Sunbeam Television 2018. All rights reserved This document may not be published, disseminated, rewritten or redistributed.)

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