A director dismissed by Chipotle after Dine-and-Dasher was accused of being racist for asking for proof that he will pay


Luke Rosiak | Investigative journalist

  • The producer of a viral video alleging Chipotle's racism has been touted on Twitter about catering and restaurant frenzy.
  • Masud Ali objected to Chipotle's employees not asking for proof that he would pay after the employees had declared that he had left without paying.
  • Chipotle fired his manager while he was aware of the admissions of this topic on Twitter and without having examined Ali's antecedents of theft.

Chipotle fired a manger for refusing to serve a black man that she suspected of stealing food, while the company knew that she had admitted on Twitter to have repeated to several times.

A spokeswoman for the company said she had "no other choice" than to speak to the 21-year-old man who was found guilty of stealing in January and who had already pleaded guilty to another theft charge, although there was no evidence that the director had wrongly accused him.

Masud Ali, a resident of St. Paul, Minnesota, posted on Twitter a video showing Chipotle employees having refused to serve him as well as a group of black men after asking for evidence that They would pay, claiming that Ali had left without paying before.

"Can a group of well-established Afro-Americans recover after a long training session? @ChipotleTweets ?? Ali wrote in the tweet, which received more than 70,600 retweets and nearly 31,500 mentions I'd like at the time of publication.

The manager was fired after being unable to say with "100% certainty" that Ali was the same person who had stolen food earlier in the week and after having denied being at the restaurant on the day in question, according to Chipotle.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune, among others, wrote the story, and Hello America also extended his hand to Ali.

But Ali proudly boasts of eating and rushing, according to his Twitter feed.

"It's not a quick dinner or meal, we just borrow food for a few hours," Ali said in one of the many messages about getting started with free food.

In a message deleted since, he said: "A man, I think, chipotle will catch up with us. should we change location and yooooo, what should we do? "

Ali Masud tweet

Ali Masud tweet

In the video, Ali and a group of his friends filmed the Chipotle workers with a cell phone while they were trying to place their order. A Chipotle employee said he had previously refused to pay and was asking for proof that he will pay, saying, "We will not eat unless you really have money."

Masud Ali tweet

Masud Ali tweet

"We never have money? My nigga, you know me, I'm here every day, "said a group man to the workers. They curse by saying, "You will basically stereotype us." (Link: the Federals pay $ 1 million to an employee for his "racist pain" and his suffering to be linked to a little rascal)

Chipotle said in a statement quoted by the Star Tribune: "Regarding what happened at the St. Paul's restaurant, the manager thought that these gentlemen were the same customers Tuesday night who could not pay their meal. In any case, this is not how we treat our customers and, therefore, the manager has been completed and the restaurant [staff] has been recycled to make sure something like this does not happen again. "

But Chipotle spokesperson Laurie Schalow told the Daily Caller News Foundation: "We have discovered [Ali’s] Twitter back a few years back as part of our investigation. We spoke with him and directly asked him if he had gone to this restaurant on Tuesday night and he said that he had not been there for weeks. "

"We had no choice but to take her word for it," she continued. "The manager said she thought it was the same guys, but she said she could not say with absolute certainty. This is a very regrettable situation.

Schalow stated that the images taken by the camera also met the same standard of proof.

"We watched the footage taken by our cameras both nights, but we could not identify it 100%," she said.

Schalow also said that the company had not compensated Ali because of the incident and that his "thorough investigation" had not reviewed his flight history.

Masud Ali tweet

Masud Ali tweet

Ali then told Star Tribune "the way [the manager] said that it was racist. She asked for proof of income as if I were taking out a loan. "

He also stated that he did not like what he called thief.

But Ali was sentenced to two years probation in January for stealing more than $ 1,000, according to Minnesota court records. A one-year prison sentence was suspended for all but two days.

He also pleaded guilty to theft in November 2015 and received one year of probation, according to the court records.

Judicial Acts of Ali Masud / Minnesota

Judicial Acts of Ali Masud / Minnesota

Meanwhile, many people have posted screenshots of Ali's previous behavior in responses to his tweets. Yet newspapers across the country have published stories without these facts.

The Miami Herald, for example, has published an article entitled "A Chipotle director was fired after employees refused to serve five black men."

The story has since been updated to include Ali's background, and the journalist, Monique Madan, told TheDCNF that she was not aware of the tweets and would have included them in the story.

When the producer of Good Morning America Lauren Dozier She asked Ali to give her the right to broadcast the video on television. She received over 200 responses, including some saying "Do not do it," "Do your research" or screen shots of Ali's past tweets boasting of having it for free.

She replied "Thank you" to Ali, but did not seem to respond to any of these warnings.

Just a few months ago, a jury awarded another Chipotle administrator $ 8 million for unfair dismissal.

Ali did not return a request for comment.

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