A doctor recommends that young people get meningococcal disease even if they have been vaccinated | 1 NEWS NOW


The Northland District Health Board warns youth and parents to be on the lookout for signs or symptoms of meningococcal disease, even if the child has already been vaccinated.

The medical officer of health, Dr. Simon Baker, said that children who had previously received the meningococcal vaccine could still contract the disease because the vaccine did not protect against all types of the disease.

This comes after a 16-year-old Kerikeri boy died Saturday at the Auckland Hospital of suspected meningococcal infection. He was one of 190 people attending a St John youth camp on Motutapu Island in the Gulf of Hauraki.

"It's very tragic for the family of the deceased young man and for everyone at the camp," said Dr. Baker.

According to the DHB, the Auckland Regional Public Health Service traveled to Motutapu to provide protective antibiotics and assess risks for other patients. However, only a few people were considered "close contacts" and at risk of becoming infected.

According to the DHB, Northland public health nurses asked the family who others had been at risk for the last seven days the young man was contagious. Those who were in close contact with the young man received antibiotics.

"Meningococcal disease is a serious and sometimes fatal disease, and can be difficult to diagnose, so we provide information to youth and their parents so that they can remain alert to symptoms," said Dr. Baker. .

"It can look like flu right from the start, but it gets worse quickly, it's important to get treatment early."

Symptoms included some or all of the following: fever; headache; vomiting; Feel sleepy, confused and delirious loss of consciousness; joint pain; aching muscles; stiff neck; aversion to bright lights; or rashes, purple or red spots, or bruising.

Dr. Baker said, "If you or someone you know have these symptoms, do not wait.

People should call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or consult a doctor. If they are concerned.

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