A Domino employee used N-Word for an order from an African-American client


An African-American claimed to have been racially discriminated against when she placed her order Monday at a Domino pizza shop in Burlington, North Carolina.

Myasia Nelson, 20, told WFMY News 2, a CBS affiliate, that she was shocked to see the word N appear on the order screen while she waited for her meal – two boxes of pizzas and one side of the wings – with his family at the fast food outlet.

Nelson stated that she had clearly mentioned her name to the server when ordering and that she had included a slow separation of her pronunciation. There was therefore no reason why the worker did not do it well and did not replace it with a racial insult.

"Racial discrimination, that's what I felt, because if it was somebody else, they would never have done that," said Nelson.

Domino's store supervisor, Junior Snyder, said the person responsible for the incident was fired.

"We let the guy go, he's no longer working for our company," said Snyder, "I've excused them many times, and I can only make sure it does not happen again, train and make everyone understand. world that we do not tolerate that. "

Snyder explained that the "confusion" was due to the fact that the worker did not know what Nelson was calling for, although she had repeated it several times.

"The employee said that he could not hear what she was saying," he asked twice, and apparently he did not know how to spell it and he inserted something, said Snyder.

He added that the incident could have been avoided if the worker had asked Nelson for the spelling of his name. However, Nelson countered the supervisor's explanation that it was a "misspelling" case.

"They do not sound the same, they are not all similar words," said Nelson, adding that the worker had asked her name only once and had not asked her to repeat.

Snyder stated that he immediately told the worker that such errors were not tolerated by Domino.

"Yes, I told him error or no mistake.You can not work for our company.We are not as if we all like customers, that's why we are here," he said.

Nelson stated that as soon as word-password N appeared on the screen, his mother approached the counter shouting and cursing the person taking the order.

"I do not want my daughter growing up to be called the words she wrote about me, any name," Nelson said.

A $ 50 Domino gift card was offered to Nelson for her event, but she refused to take it.

"My mother told me not to accept it because 50 bucks are not worth what they did to me, so I denied it," Nelson said. .

Domino & # 39; s An African-American woman claimed that a worker at a Domino pizza shop in Burlington, North Carolina, had racially discriminated against her when placing her order. In this photo, a Domino & Pizza store in Miami, Florida on April 14, 2004. Photo: Getty Images / Joe Raedle

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