A family loving dinosaurs wears T-Rex costumes during an ad


Nicole Berkley of Aubrey, Texas has always loved dinosaurs. And when she learned that she was pregnant with her fifth child, the expectant mother wanted to rule out "cute and generic" baby ads.

With that, a word came to the mind of Berkley: the dinosaurs!

"My family, we are all big enough Jurassic World fans … We wanted to do something fun and that matched our personality. So, I had the idea to make dinosaur costumes with our pregnancy announcement. "

Excited, Berkley ordered four child-size T-rex suits on Amazon and two for adults. Although his family loves dinosaurs, Berkley explains that they had to convince before agreeing to participate in the unique photo shoot.

"I wanted it to be funny and so true to our personalities. But everyone in my family thought I was crazy, my husband understood, "said Berkley, 28, at PEOPLE. "They said to themselves," Are we going to dress up? It's not Halloween. 'My children thought I was crazy.'

Susan Garrett Photography

Nevertheless, Berkley's husband, Daniel, aged 26, and their four children were "soldiers," she says. The family met Susan Garrett (Susan Garrett Photography) on September 21st and then went to Arbor Hills Nature Preserve in Plano on a rainy day in Texas, where they put on the costumes and posed with a sonogram of the new baby.

"Passers stopped and took pictures and videos of us. It was a show, "recalls Berkley. "The kids braved and it was phenomenal. It was amazing and it turned out to be one of the most fun sessions of all time. We had so much fun with these costumes.

In the photos, the Berkleys are dressed in their orange T-rex costumes, the faces of the children protruding from the center. Berkley and Daniel were holding the sonogram on a dinosaur egg.

Susan Garrett Photography

She said it was fun to watch her kids – Myleigh, 10, Montana, 6, Lane, 5 and Hannah, 4 – dressing up in costumes.

Berkley remembers laughing with his family when Garrett sent the finished product. The future mother could not help but share the photos on Facebook. The post has quickly amassed hundreds of "likes" and actions.

"I got a lot of comments and actions from people I did not know, so I sort of thought it was going to be a little viral at the local level," she told PEOPLE . "But I never thought it would become a national thing! I am a little overwhelmed by the amount of positive feedback I have received. "

Susan Garrett Photography

Berkley says the happy shooting was a source of joy after a miscarriage in February. After the loss, Berkley learned in July that she was pregnant and said she had immediately put her plan in place.

"At first, I was more scared than I was excited, because once you've had a miscarriage, it's pretty hard to get angry for another pregnancy until you're sure everything's okay. Berkley told PEOPLE.

"Once I saw the ultrasound, we heard the baby's heartbeat and the doctor said," That's really what's happening, "and then I was very excited. We have always wanted to have a big family, so it's really a blessing for us.

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