A family of four from New Jersey was killed and their house burnt, officials say


Firefighters bring a stretcher to the scene of a fatal fire at 15 Willow Brook Road. on Tuesdays at Colts Neck.

COLTS NECK, NJ – A family of four found dead in their hotel in Colts Neck, New Jersey, was homicide victim and their home was then set on fire, Monmouth County Attorney said Wednesday. , Christopher Gramiccioni.

"Today, our investigation revealed that, unfortunately, each of these people was the victim of homicide violence at some point before the fire," he said.

Keith and Jennifer Caneiro were identified as two of the victims and Gramiccioni said he tentatively identified the other two bodies as those of Caneiro's children, Jesse, 11, and Sophia, 8.

Keith Caneiro was shot dead and found in front of the house and the other three were found severely burned inside the house on Tuesday. The authorities have no reason to believe that there was "an angle of suicide" in this case, Gramiccioni added.

Gramiccioni said the authorities were investigating a fire in a separate fire in nearby Ocean Township and wondering if the two fires were related.

The other house is the residence of Paul Caneiro, brother of Keith Caneiro, said Gramiccioni. Their two houses are about 11 miles apart.

Brother accused in another fire

Paul Caneiro, 51, was arrested on Wednesday and charged with second degree arson in connection with the Tuesday morning fire at his home in Ocean Township. He faces between 5 and 10 years in prison if he is convicted and will appear in court on November 28th to face the charge and control of his detention.

"My client maintains his innocence on this and all other possible charges," Caneiro's lawyer Robert Honecker told CNN. "His family fully supports his defense of this charge. He really expects to be justified when this case is finally resolved. "

The authorities claim that Paul Caneiro set fire to his house by lighting gas while his wife and two daughters were inside, according to the complaint and warrant provided by the County Attorneys. Monmouth. There were no injuries in this fire.

Brother helps family get out, lawyer says

Paul Caneiro "was devastated to learn that a fire had occurred in his brother's residence and that they reported at the time that there had been a fatality" Honecker told CNN on Saturday.

Caneiro helped his family evacuate and waited with his family for police and fire to arrive, his lawyer said. He then went voluntarily to the police headquarters in Ocean Township with his wife and two daughters, where the family was interrogated, Honecker added.

Gramiccioni cautioned against drawing hasty conclusions about fires until the authorities investigate further.

"The two houses we are talking about belong to members of the same family belonging to members of the same family," said Grdamiccioni.

"I would simply encourage the media and the public not to get carried away until there is reason to believe that it could be related or not. It is important not to do this before there is an objective reason for doing so. "

The call to fire Colts Neck arrived at 12:38. Tuesday – more than seven hours after the Township of Ocean fire – and more than 20 fire departments responded to the call. The authorities stated that they were not aware of any calls from the security forces at home before that date.

The brothers worked together

Paul and Keith Caneiro are the only executives of a company involved in sales and service of computers, according to New Jersey records.

The 2014 records show that Paul and Keith Caneiro registered Jay-Martin Systems, an Asbury Park-based company that operated under the name of "Square One". It is described as "selling and servicing computers". indicates that Keith was the president of the company.

Honecker said Saturday that the two brothers were best friends and that they were chatting almost daily, adding that he had no reason to believe that there was animosity between them.

The documents listed the addresses of the Keith Caneiro and Paul Caneiro homes, which were the fire sites at Colts Neck and Ocean Township, respectively.

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