A fast food employee accused of throwing hot grease on the customer while driving


A Pennsylvania woman was burned while driving in a car after a store manager threw hot grease into her car during a fight, the police said.

The incident occurred at a burger restaurant in Checkers, outside Philadelphia, around 3 am Saturday, KYW-TV reported.

Three women placed an order at the fast food restaurant but said that they had not received what they had ordered, so they told the manager.

"We told him that we would not leave until we had received our food and what we paid because we did not want what she gave us," said L & # 39; one of the women at WPVI-TV. "She said rather we did not receive it and after she took the fat."

The woman who was burned was treated and released from the hospital.

The responsible person is no longer in the company, according to a statement from a Checkers spokesperson, and the worker was taken into custody.

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