A fast-moving brush fire burns 3 K acres near Santa Clarita


SANTA CLARITA, Calif. – A fast moving bush fire north of Los Angeles burned about 3,000 acres on Saturday night.

The flames were reported for the first time around 15 hours. in the Castaic area, north of Santa Clarita and Six Flags Magic Mountain. The fire increased to 1,200 acres in two hours and reached 3,000 acres at 19 hours, according to Cal Fire. Officials from Santa Clarita reported that the fire was contained at 10%.

The crews named the fire "Charlie Fire" after Charlie Canyon Road, where the flames were spotted for the first time.

Authorities ordered evacuations of houses and other buildings along the San Francisquito Canyon Road, from Lowridge Place to Fire Camp 14. A paintball course and an equestrian park in the area were among the companies potentially threatened by the fire.

Ground crews had difficulty reaching the flames in remote areas, but helicopters and jet planes dropped water on the fire until nightfall.

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