A father dressed his son in Hitler for Halloween and was shocked by the shock back that he received


A man in Kentucky was outraged by the online publication of a photo of him and his five-year-old son wearing particularly inappropriate Halloween costumes.

The photo, taken Thursday on the way to a children's event in Owensboro, shows Bryan Goldbach disguised as a Nazi soldier and his son as Adolf Hitler.

The father posted the photo on social media, prompting strong criticism, many saying that the choice of the suit was in bad taste.

Goldbach said he chose the uniforms because of his love for representing historical characters. The father stated that it did not seem to him that the photo would provoke as much controversy as he did, but he admitted that he did not think about it. He has now apologized saying that he regretted the decision.

"I was not trying to make a statement or put my son in a position," Goldbach said, according to the Owensboro Times. "It was bad judgment. I want people to know that I'm sorry.

"I think it was bad taste for me to let my child wear this, probably for me.This did not come to my mind.I thought it was a wrong decision on my part, "he said, WEHT Eyewitness The news has reported as saying.

Gay Mazo, a Rabbi of Temple Adath Temple B'nai Israel, serving the three states of Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois, said in a statement that people should pay more attention when choosing costumes for Halloween.

phgxapth7gu11111111 Bryan Goldbach is disguised as a Nazi soldier and his son as Adolf Hitler. Reddit / u / RainbowYaz 2

"The fact that the father has apologized is important; the fact that he does not know that the costumes would be offensive is a very sad reflection on our society, "said Mazo, according to WEHT Eyewitness News, a subsidiary of ABC. "A good rule would be," If your costume reminds you of an event where millions of people were killed, choose another one. "

"While we are also learning with Megyn Kelly's words, we should avoid the costumes where someone dresses it deliberately to make fun of the race, religion or nationality of someone else." ", did he declare. "If Halloween is meant to be fun, fanaticism, anti-Semitism and racism are not fun. It should be common sense. This is not "politically correct", it is simply being respectful, understanding and kind. "

Goldbach also criticized the hateful nature of some of the comments and threats he had received online and on the street.

"We have seen people disguised as murderers, devils, serial killers, blood and blood of all kinds," he wrote in a Facebook message. "No one has beaten an eye. But my little boy and I dress like historical figures and that deserves people to make sarcastic remarks, but come close to us and threaten my 5-year-old boy. Yes, liberalism is alive and well. And we had the displeasure of taking care of the fruits of the "tolerant left". "

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