A Florida City Commissioner Sentenced for Murder during a Shootout in His Store


A Florida city commissioner was charged on Friday for second-degree murder after killing a man he suspected of stealing a hatchet from his store.

The indictment against the grand jury came about two weeks after commissioner Michael Dunn, 47, of Lakeland, Florida, confronted a man and shot him with a firearm. when he left the store. Christobal Lopez, 50, died on the spot.

Brian Haas, the Attorney General of the 10th Judiciary, said in a statement that Mr. Dunn's actions did not fall under the protection of Florida's Stand Your Ground law, which may make it difficult to prosecute people who maintain killing someone in self-defense.

Mr. Dunn is co-owner of a surplus Army-Navy store, which offers a selection of firearms, military surpluses and public safety supplies. He began serving a four-year term as the municipal commissioner elected in January in Lakeland, about 35 km east of Tampa, Florida.

John Tupps, a spokesman for Gov. Rick Scott, said the office was going to suspend Mr. Dunn from office after receiving indictments from officials.

On October 3, at around 2:30 pm, Dunn said he saw Mr. Lopez, who was entering the store with his father, trying to steal a hatchet, the Lakeland Police Department said.

CCTV showed that Mr. Lopez removed the hatchet from the display and hid it under his pants, according to an affidavit from the police. Mr. Dunn watched Mr. Lopez from his store's office, then came out with his hidden weapon in his belt.

When Mr. Dunn confronted Mr. Lopez about the hatchet, she fell on Mr. Lopez's pants and fell to the ground, according to the affidavit. Mr. Dunn told the police that Mr. Lopez then said, "I will pay, I will pay" on my way to the counter. Mr. Lopez then tried to flee the store with the hatchet in his hand, the affidavit said.

A video clip shows Mr. Dunn grabbing the sleeve of Mr. Lopez's shirt as he tries to get out. Police said Mr. Dunn shot Mr. Lopez twice while he was trying to get away. Mr. Dunn held the pistol pointed at Mr. Lopez for several seconds because he was on the ground.

"At no point did the victim appear to have made threatening moves towards the subject," the affidavit said.

When the police arrived at the store, they said that Mr. Dunn was pointing the rifle at Mr. Lopez and told him, "I think it has expired!

Mr. Lopez and his father were both homeless and lived in Wauchula, Florida, according to the affidavit. Father and son recently found places to live in Lakeland through a Christian organization that helps the poor.

According to the indictment, Mr. Dunn shot Mr. Lopez shot, but he did so without "premeditated intent" of the murder, indicating the reason for the murder. second degree, which carries a maximum prison sentence for life.

Dunn's lawyer, James Franklin, declined to comment on Saturday.

Mr. Haas, the prosecutor, said Friday that Mr. Dunn was being held in a county jail.

according to Mr. Dunn's biography as a municipal commissioner, he is a graduate of the Lakeland Citizens Police School, which includes shooting exercises at the shooting range. When Mr. Dunn was 19, he accidentally shot another man while he was aiming with a gun inside his house. The man has survived.

The local newspaper Lakeland Ledger reported that Mr. Dunn had said at the time that he thought the gun was unloaded. The police called this accidental shooting and cleared him of any wrongdoing.

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