A football player dies from an injury sustained during the match on Friday


PIKE COUNTY, Ga.Channel 2 Action News learned that Dylan Thomas died of an injury at a football game on Friday night.

According to witnesses, Thomas was taken by ambulance to Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta for surgery. His uncle wrote on Facebook that Thomas was in a "very critical state" and was suffering from swelling of the brain caused by the injury.

Sunday night, Thomas's pastor confirmed to Channel 2 Action News that Thomas is dead.

The community gathers to pray for a badly injured football player in a match

We were there while family and friends gathered for a vigil to pray for the high school football player on Sunday. The Pike County University football team wore their jersey on their pitch where hundreds of fans joined them to pray.

The community has mobilized for Thomas to share the photo with the #DylanStrong hashtag on social media.

"It meant the world to me. We have guys driving in about three hours just to see a child and pray for him, "said Thomas's teammate Jake Patterson.

It is unclear where the 16-year-old was touched, but family members told Channel 2 that the defensive tackle seemed unaffected by the collision until the second half.

"I heard that he was saying that he was not feeling really well and that it was when his left leg and his left arm became numb and that he was practically dropped off the bench, "said his uncle Nick Burgess Michael Seiden of the channel 2.


Another local football player was injured during a match this weekend.

A Atlanta-based footballer was rushed to hospital for emergency surgery after being injured in a game in the state of Tennessee on Saturday.

TSU Tigers' linebacker, Christion Abercrombie, was in critical condition.

"It was only a football match," coach Rod Reed said Sunday morning at his coach 's radio show on WNSR 560 – AM / 95.9 – FM. "He was on a block and it was not something nasty or dirty or something like that – just an unfortunate situation."

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