A former FBI attorney said he obtained in 2016 information of interference from a lawyer related to the Democrats


A According to a report, the law firm's attorney linked to the controversial Trump case has leaked information about Russia's election meddling to the FBI board during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to the report. .

James Baker, who was the FBI's chief defense attorney until May, told Congress Wednesday that Michael Sussmann of Perkins Coie had sent him documents about Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 election. The Daily Caller reported Thursday.

The exchange took place in late summer or early fall, said the former FBI official at a joint closed session of the Judiciary and House Oversight Committees. The two men met after Sussmann contacted Baker, but before the FBI and the Justice Department asked for a FISA warrant to monitor Trump's former foreign policy advisor, Carter Page. Baker played a key role in obtaining several terms for Page.

Baker said Wednesday to congressional investigators that he had not read all the information provided by Sussmann, but had described the meeting as "atypical".

The Daily Caller's report follows Rep. Mark Meadows, NC, calling Baker's exploit "explosive" Wednesday.

"Some of the things that were shared were explosive in nature," Meadows told Fox News during House Republican Party investigations of prejudices against the FBI and the GM. "The witness confirmed that things had been done abnormally. It is extremely disturbing.

The FBI has been criticized for relying in part on the Trump file, prepared by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, for permission to gather information on Page, an American citizen living on the ground. American. The case, which includes controversial claims not based on Trump and prostitutes in a hotel room in Moscow, was funded in part by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign via the law firm. Attorneys Perkins Coie and at the request of the research firm Fusion Fusion opposition.

Sussmann, himself a former DOJ employee, represented the DNC and Clinton during the attack of Russian hackers before the 2016 elections, according to his profile on the Perkins Coie website.

A spokesman for Perkins Coie said at the Washington Examiner Sussmann is regularly hired by clients to work on complex cybersecurity issues after serving as the DOJ's cybercrime prosecutor for the Democratic and Republican administrations.

"When Sussmann met with Mr. Baker on behalf of a client, this has no connection with the representation of the Hillary Clinton campaign cabinet, the DNC or any client of the political law group", said the spokesman.

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