A former government contractor was fired for hijacking the president's motorcade, who is expected to report to a local office


Juli Briskman, the Sterling resident best known for overthrowing President Donald Trump's motorcade and being fired from her contract job with the government, is expected to run for the post of Democrat.

Briskman, the former employee of Akima LLC, is crowdfunding via CrowdPAC for her 2019 race against Loudoun County Supervisor Suzanne Volpe, R-Algonkian. On Thursday morning, Briskman raised $ 2,977 from 77 donations, 2% of his $ 150,000 goal.

In a statement released on CrowdPAC, Briskman says the photographic extension of his major "may be the most public manifestation of my political opinion and activism, but I have been deeply involved in the community of Loudoun County for nearly 20 years. years.

"And those who know me know that I'm not the type to sit idly by," the statement said. "Whether it's to defend a cause, like our First Amendment rights to peacefully protest against Trump administration policies, or to work to insure our children …

Read the full story of the Washington Business Journal.

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