A former gynecologist avoids jail for "joke" said "really horrible, humiliating"


A former gynecologist who thought it was funny to dye the vagina of a patient in purple avoids imprisonment.

Dr. Barry King, 58, pleaded guilty to the harassment related to the crime of his prank, The Denver Post reported. The incident involved a former employee seeking medical advice, while she feared that her cancer had returned.

The woman was a breast cancer survivor and was scared when she noticed a lesion on her vagina.

Her own gynecologist recently retired and so she asked for help from King.

"There was some comfort because I thought he was my friend," said the woman.

But after the exam, she told the Daily Sentinel that the latter had said something strange.

He said: "When you go home tonight, I want you (your husband) to look at this," she told Judge Michael Grattan of Mesa County.

It was not until she got home that she noticed purple on the toilet paper after using the bathroom. The woman said she recognized the dye as gentian violet, used to treat medical conditions such as yeast infections and thrush.

But the woman said she had not heard about the gel used for years. Since she worked on the administrative side of King's practice, she simply assumed that she was being used again.

The next day at work, however, King seemed to think something was funny, the woman said.

It was then that King revealed the truth by saying that he had done it as a joke.

He said: "… it was a joke," he said. said the woman. "It was a joke for (my husband)."

The woman said that King had also told this joke to everyone in the office, thus finding that she was violating her privacy rights.

"I was objectified sexually as a joke on my husband in the hope that his penis would be stained purple," she said. "It's disgusting."

At first she did not want to report the incident, but a friend urged her to come forward so that it would not happen again.

King has avoided imprisonment under a plea agreement and will be allowed to obtain a medical license. His conviction could be overturned if he did not encounter problems over the next two years, in accordance with the plea agreement reached between Mesa County Attorney and King's defense attorney. The Colorado Medical Board wrote a letter of reprimand for his "unprofessional conduct" and asked King to take a course on professional boundaries and ethics to keep his medical license.

The woman said that this whole ordeal was "really horrible and humiliating", and that it cost her mutual friends dear money after people rallied.

She described King as "like a fraternal boy playing a joke and catching me off guard".

"I want to know where Dr. King's moral compass went," she said.

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