A full moon beaver approaches Thanksgiving night – so do not fall asleep just after dinner


If you venture out after lunch this Thanksgiving day to take some fresh air, look to the east. You may see a magical moonrise while the Beaver Moon makes a festive appearance.

Why is the full moon of November called the Beaver Moon?

Astronomers do not give the names of Full Moons, but over the years they have acquired nicknames belonging to various cultures. The term "Beaver Moon" comes from Native Americans and colonial settlers. Some sources claim that it is because the traps were installed in November and others because beavers are the most active before the winter. The November Full Moon is also called Frosty Moon, Hunter's. Moon and Oak Moon. Space.com reports that the Ojibwe named Little Spirit Moon, the full November moon, while the Tlingit called it the "Scratching Moon" to mark the days when bears were preparing their dens.

When is the beaver moon

The exact time of the full moon is Friday, November 23 at 9:39 pm EST. Thursday, November 22, Pacific Standard Time. At that moment, the moon will be 100% lit by the sun, which is not always visible from the United States. However, it is not always easy to watch Castor's Moon at the exact time. If the night sky is clear, it will simply be too bright to be watched.

When to watch the beaver moon

Although you can watch the full moon when it is 100% illuminated and high in the sky, it is far better to watch our satellite as it appears low on the horizon at the rising of the moon. This is happening in the east at 16:36. EST in New York and 16:50 PST in Los Angeles on November 22nd.

How to observe the beaver moon

At the twilight of November 22, get somewhere with a good view of the eastern horizon and, if it is clear, you will see a pale orange moon appear. As it goes up, its brightness gradually increases and yellows. When going up, it may seem huge, especially if you see it between two buildings. It's an illusion. The human brain usually sees the moon as bigger when it is placed lower in the sky.

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The first 15 minutes or so of the moonrise is the best time to study the entire moon with binoculars. Higher up in the sky, it will become white and very very bright. Since a full moon always rises at sunset and the sun rises the next morning, the Beaver Moon will be visible all night long. It's a good night for a moonlit walk or hike.

How to find stars around the beaver moon

If you look at the Beaver Moon rising in the east at dusk the next day, November 23, you may notice that a bright star will become visible just to the right of the moon. This is Aldebaran, the 13th brightest star of the night sky and the eye of the bull in the constellation of Taurus. Look carefully at Aldebaran, preferably with binoculars, and you will see that it is an orange star. It is only 65 light-years away, and bright enough to be visible during the full moon. Just above the rising moon is the glittering star of the Pleiades, also called the Seven Sisters.

When is the next full moon

The next full moon – the cold full moon, the long night or the moon or the moon before Yule – will take place on December 22, although the exact moment of 100% lighting is during the day, as in North America. It will be better to watch it at dusk either on Friday, December 21 (date of the first winter solstice or the winter solstice), or Saturday, December 22. It also occurs during the Ursids meteor shower, which may be visible. around the Big Dipper, but it will be difficult to see with a full moon in the night sky.

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