A giant spider's web extends over 1,000 feet across the lagoon: they're partying


A lagoon in western Greece is starting to look more like an abandoned house basement than a picturesque coastline. The greenery surrounding Aitoliko Lagoon is buried in thick, sticky cobwebs.

The canvases are filled with Tetragnatha spiders – called "stretchy spiders" for their long bodies. There are hundreds of species of these spiders living in different parts of the world.

Wildlife experts say that it is not uncommon for spiders to build massive nests for mating, especially when it is hot and humid towards the end of the year. summer.

Maria Chatzaki, professor of molecular biology and genetics at the Democritus University of Thrace, told Newsit that high temperatures in Greece create the ideal climate for breeding.

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"It's as if spiders are taking advantage of these conditions and organizing a kind of party, they mate, they breed and provide a whole new generation," Chatzaki told reporters. Greek information, according to a translation of the BBC.

Fortunately, spiders should not cause permanent damage to plants in the area. Moreover, they will probably not stay too long.

"There are a large number of male and female spiders that mate [underneath the webs]"Said Chatzaki. The spiders will have their party and will die soon. "


Local Giannis Giannakopoulos on Monday shared photos of what he called "a strange and unprecedented show" on his Facebook page, garnering dozens of actions.

Giannakopoulos said that it seemed like spiders were gathering on the east side of the beach, adding that there was a "huge veil" covering palm trees and other plants. He noted that they seemed to catch a lot of mosquitoes.

"It's probably a reaction of nature to balance the system by limiting mosquitoes," he wrote.

Jennifer Earl is an SEO writer for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter @ jenearlyspeakin.

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