A giant volcano of Iceland "about to burst" and a dwarf explosion 2010 cloud of ash


Icelandic scientists have warned that a "highly dangerous" volcano will burst and that the explosion will eclipse the one that disrupted global air transport eight years ago.

The Katla volcano emits large-scale carbon dioxide, which scientists say indicates that its magma chambers are filling up, which is a precursor to volcanic erupts.

Katla – which translates to "kettle" – is located in southern Iceland, near the remains of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano that erupted in 2010, generating a cloud of ashes so important that the flights of the entire world were interrupted during a week.

Katla is at least ten times more powerful than Eyjafjallajokull.

Volcanologists warn that the 5,000-foot-tall volcano will soon explode, after discovering that it emits 12 to 24 kilotonnes of carbon monoxide each day.

Sarah Barsotti, volcanic hazard coordinator at the Icelandic Meteorological Office, told Sunday Times that "there is no way of saying when it will burst, just that it will be."

volcano Eyjafjallajokull bursts in 2010

A team of scientists wrote in the journal Geophysical Research Letters: "Katla, an extremely dangerous subglacial volcano that erupted 100 years ago, is one of the largest volcanic sources of CO2 on Earth. "

The volcano does not burst any more in 95-year intervals and has already erupted in 1989, which means that an eruption is late.

Evgenia Ilyinskaya, of the Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics at the University of Leeds, said: "There must also be an accumulation of magma to release this amount of gas.

"Other volcanoes, for example in Hawaii and Alaska, are well aware that CO2 emissions increase by several weeks or even years before eruptions.

"It's a clear sign that we have to watch Katla closely – she does not do anything, and these results confirm that something is going on."

Meanwhile, Mount Anak Krakatau in Indonesia has exploded 56 times since Friday. The volcano – known as "Child of Krakatoa" – did not disrupt travel, but spit fireballs as big as trucks.

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